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বাংলাদেশ নৌ বাহিনী- ২০১৮ বি অফিসার ক্যাডেট

Circular :

 আবেদন পত্র জমা দেয়ার শেষ তারিখঃ ১০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৭

Bangladesh Navy (BN) came into being during the liberation War of the country in 1971, in which it suffered a number of fatalities. The navy carried out around 45 operations during the war, including traditional naval operations as well as unconventional commando operations including guerrilla warfare. At the first leg of war, defected Bengali sailors joined the guerrilla forces. It was the eight sailors who defected Pakistan Navy sub-marine PNS Mangro, under construction in France, pioneered the formation of naval element of Liberation War. Later many other naval personnel participated. So far the information could be known, there are 334 naval participants; out of which 22 died. In order to avoid misunderstanding and to get necessary assistance naval planners used to coordinate in the planning phase with other sector commanders to carry out operation in their respective sectors. During the Liberation War East Pakistan was divided into 11 sectors. Each sector had a Commander and demarcated area of responsibility except sector 10. It is said that the area of responsibility of sector 10 was the coastal belt but in reality its operation was spread all over the country.Copy from



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